Indiana Lifeline Law
Kids NEED to know this information
In July 2012, Indiana passed the Indiana Lifeline Law. The law allows teens to get help from police or 911 when someone needs immediate medical attention, without having to worry about getting prosecuted for underage drinking. The person calling for help will not get prosecuted, and anyone at the event/party will also not get arrested for underage drinking if they remain on the scene until help arrives, provide their name and any relevant information to the police, and cooperate with authorities.
Why did this law happen? Sadly, teens were letting their friends with alcohol poisoning and drug overdoses die at parties because of the fear of getting in trouble with the law. This is tragic, but unfortunately a reality. Imagine when you were a teen, having fun at a party, and seeing someone obviously dangerously drunk. There are multiple reasons you would make a poor choice in trying to help. First, you are a teen and have next to zero experience in these situations, and you have no idea how dangerous drugs and alcohol can be. Second, you are one of many people at the party, so surely someone else will help the person, right? And last, you have been drinking too, so your judgment is impaired but the one thing you know for sure is you don’t want to get in trouble. This type of thinking is a recipe for disaster.
This law can, and does, save lives. But it could save more lives, if teens were aware of it. Have you seen a billboard or commercial for the Indiana Lifeline Law? I haven’t. So, I try to mention it to my teens at well visits, but often there are other issues or concerns that take up the valuable time we have together. Please, please talk to your kids about this law around the dinner table this week. And teachers, and I know at least a few of you read these articles, please take five minutes out of one of your classes to bring this up to your kids, it may have a profound impact.
I also suggest that parents talk to your kids about a “Family Lifeline Law”. Tell your kids that no matter what they do, no matter how mad you may get, there is nothing more important to you than their safety. Let them know that if they are ever at a party that is getting out of hand, or they are drinking or using drugs and need a safe way to get home, that you will pick them up, no questions asked, and help them immediately. Also promise that you will wait until the following morning to talk/yell/argue about what happened, but that night you will come get them and make sure they get home safely. Teens are so worried about disappointing us, but they do not understand what our biggest concern is - something terrible happening to them. Let them know what they mean to you.
Until next time, good luck parenting,
William Fisher, MD
Fisher Pediatrics